Welcome Home

Have you ever wished you could lose 10 pounds, 20, 40, or 100 or more? Have you ever wished that once you got it off you could keep it off?

Welcome to OA — welcome home!

Have you ever cooked, bought or baked for your family and then eaten it all yourself?

Welcome to OA — welcome home!

Have you ever wished your family would get to work or school or go to bed so that you could eat unseen?

Welcome to OA — welcome home!

Have you ever wanted to hide in the house, without going to work, without getting cleaned up or even getting dressed, without seeing anyone or letting anyone see you?

Welcome to OA — welcome home!

Have you ever hidden food under the bed, under the pillow, in the drawer, in the bathroom, in the wastebasket, in the cupboard, in the clothes hamper, in the closet or in the car? Have you hidden the empty bags, wrappers and containers?

Welcome to OA — welcome home!

Have you ever sobbed out your misery in the dark night because you had binged again after you promised yourself you wouldn’t do it again?

Welcome to OA — welcome home!

Have you ever thought that others might be problem eaters, but you just have a weight problem, which you can take care of beginning tomorrow if you choose?

Welcome to OA — welcome home!

Have you ever been sure that if you shared the person you really are no one could ever love or accept you?

Welcome to OA — welcome home!

If you said “yes” to any of the questions above, Overeaters Anonymous extends to you the gift of acceptance. We in OA know you because we are you. If you would like to stop eating compulsively, you have found a home!


Lifeline magazine. November 2003. Edited and reprinted from Lifeline Sampler, p. 173. Adapted 2017