In absence of an Intergroup Chair, we use this Operating Plan. The volunteer leader script is on page 2.
Intergroup conducts its business at monthly meetings, usually held on the second Saturday of the month from 10:10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. at the Delmar Reformed Church, 386 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY. If the second Saturday is part of a federal holiday weekend or there is some significant meeting conflict, the Intergroup meeting is held the third Saturday. The current schedule is provided on the Calendar page.
Ample parking is available and entry is through the double doors in the back of the church. Signs will direct you to the meeting room.
Intergroup meetings are where brainstorming takes place, ideas are generated, projects are prioritized, and group conscience decisions are reached concerning the vision and goals of Intergroup. Details about what you can expect at a meeting are found in the NEW IG Brochure.
Project work is generally accomplished through smaller dedicated groups who meet outside of the business meeting. These teams and committees are devoted to a variety of activities including developing public information projects, staffing the telephone information line, developing the web site, and producing events such as share-a-thons and workshops.
Intergroup has developed a Getting Started Packet for visitors and new Intergroup representatives that includes a welcome letter and several pieces of OA literature that lay out the principles by which we conduct our meetings including:
- Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous;
- Twelve Concepts of OA Service;
- OA Handbook for Members, Groups, and Service Bodies: Recovery Opportunities; and
- Guidelines for a Group Conscience Meeting.
By group conscience, Intergroup adopted the following disciplines for its meetings:
- The Chair will start and end our meeting promptly.
- The Chair keeps the discussion in accordance with the agenda, and all members can help the Chair in this goal with a gentle reminder of “Agenda, please.”
- Our Bylaws say we operate by Robert’s Rules of Order. These allow the suspension of a motion, second, and vote when the matter is routine business, of little importance, or there is clearly unanimous consent. The Chair may say, for instance, “Hearing no objection, the report will be adopted.”
- Raise your hand to be recognized. If you have been an active participant in the discussion, consider waiting to raise your hand again in order to give your fellows time to process. Likewise, the Chair may wait for those in thought to raise their hand before calling on anyone.
- Only items on the agenda will be discussed, unless there is time at the end or there is a time-sensitive matter.
- If your report was distributed with the agenda, the entire report does not need to be given verbally at our meeting. You or the Chair may ask if there are questions.
- Some details are more appropriate for committee discussion outside our meeting.
- Tradition calls for decisions by group conscience — which is not the same as majority rule. Consensus is favored over voting.